Built on Hybrid GIS & BI Platforms,
backed by robust 
Business Logic,
programmed to think like a 

Explore Some of Our Key Business Tools

Opportunities All Around Us

A powerful business intelligence tool that provides on any area of interest on a map, demographic & geographic information. It’s run based on unique big-data algorithms, built on a hybrid platform, using GIS technology, consumer research & census data. For the first time, organizations can easily and effectively plan & monitor investment activities in granular details.

Explore Our Other Business Tools

Investor Retail

Optimum Site Selection Tool

A game changer for SMEs, micro-investors or corporate giants can predict successfully what location requires which retail outfit. Literally it tells you what business to open where.

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Optimum Site Selection Tool

IPORT enables efficient Port Terminal Management, exhibiting instant actionable KPIs. Some product highlights include:

  • LINE WISE DAILY EMPTY INVENTORY: Gets containers in yard for a particular line while helping Planners deliver empty units on FIFO basis.
  • TRUCK TURNAROUND TIME: Measures terminal performance based on container status.
  • VESSEL PERFORMANCE: Portrays clearly VOR, GCR, Berthing Time, Berth Productivity to help improve vessel performance.
  • DWELL TIME OF IN-YARD CONTAINER: Provides frequent dwell time of in-yard containers based on container type and status.

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Real-Time e-POS Dashboard

With pre-built business logic, RED is a powerful Big Data Analytics Tool that effectively analyzes e-POS data with an easy-to-navigate data visualization dashboard. Converting millions of data cells from POS systems, RED delivers instant insights on Category & Product dynamics.

Explore Our Other Business Tools

Van Man

Opportunities All Around Us

An action-oriented, user-friendly dashboard for Sales organizations to monitor and control Sales performance at the finest granularity. The tool allows for limitless customization to ensure all important KPI’s are tracked in one solution (e.g. shops with poor credit history vs. where your Company dispensers are placed).

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